Member to member offer
Great offers for businesses and individuals
We would like to present a member to member offer which businesses and individuals within the chamber are welcome to take advantage of:
- Preferential rates on transfers - saving up to 4% of the transfer value.
- No payment fees - saving up to £35.00 per payment.
- Free Foreign Exchange strategy review - a free consultation to identify FX risk within your business and bespoke hedging solutions to mitigate that risk.
For more information about this member offer, please contact
Nick Blurton
Account Executive, Scotland & Northern Ireland
Corporate Foreign Exchange
Office: 0131 322 6558
Dealing Desk: 0207 823 7800
Team email:
For more information about this member offer, please contact the member directly on 0131 322 6558/ 0207 823 7800 or email them directly on